PrestaShop eBay Integration manual

Advanced configuration

PrestaBay module includes a number of features available for advanced configuration.

Access to all advanced options possible from menu Catalog—>Ebay—>Configuration—>Advanced Configuration

The new open screen show you number of variables that you can use for adjusting module configured for best suits your needs.

Bellow, you can find a description of settings available on this page. For activating a specific option please put “1” and press the “Save And Return” button.

INVEBAY_VERSION_DATA — current version of DB schema for the module.PrestaShop ebay module — Advanced configuration

INVEBAY_SYNC_SUCCESS_TIME — last success time of ebay default synchronization (updating item status, update ebay items sales status).

INVEBAY_SYNC_ORDER_SUCCESS_TIME — last success time of ebay order import synchronization.

INVEBAY_ORDER_TAX — fixed sales tax percent for ebay order, data from this field will be used when sales tax (or VAT) is not available on ebay order. Example value 22.

INVEBAY_ORDER_SHIPPING_TAX — fixed shipping tax percent for ebay order, data from this field will be used when tax information is not available for ebay items. Example value 22.

INVEBAY_ORDER_NEW_IMPORT — activate new order import functionality, use rewrite order import code. Experimental.

INVEBAY_SYNC_FULL_REVISE — activate the "Full Revise" synchronization task. This task will get all PrestaBay Selling Products from table ps_prestabay_selling_products with flag "full_revise" is equal to 1 and will schedule for the full revise.

INVEBAY_EXTENDED_ORDER_LOG — put extra debug information into ebay order import log

INVEBAY_ORDER_FAKE_EMAIL — add "fake_" to every ebay customer email address. This option guarantees that ebay customers will never receive any emails from PrestaShop store.

INVEBAY_UNIQUE_LISTINGS — transfer with every ebay listings UUID number. This number guarantee that every ebay listing could be listed only once with using the same Selling Profile. Allow avoiding duplicate listings on ebay with bad network connections or with a slow hosting.

INVEBAY_DISABLE_SYNC_LMS — deactivate using Flash Jobs for automatic synchronization Revise QTY & Price operations. With activating this option QTY & Price synchronization always performed in a classic way

INVEBAY_COMBINATION_PUB_NAME – publish to ebay combinations public name instead of internal names in PrestaShop.

Recalculate Tax for imported orders — Please Backup DB before continues. This option will do full tax recalculation for all ebay orders imported by PrestaBay module. All invoices will be updated.

Update product mapping — Please Backup DB before continues. Re-insert mapping for ebay listings from table ps_prestabay_products to table prestabay_product_connection

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