PrestaShop eBay Integration manual
Documentation Index
- Installation & Update
- Ebay Accounts
- Ebay Marketplaces
- Selling Profiles
- Information of Selling Profiles
- Create new Selling Profile
- Selling Profile — General tab
- Selling Profile — Product tab
- Selling Profile — Item Specifics tab
- Custom Item Specifics
- Selling Profile — Price Tab
- Selling Profile — eBay Store Tab
- Selling Profile — Payment Tab
- Selling Profile — Shipping Tab
- Selling Profile — Return Policies Tab
- Business Policy information
- Selling List
- Automatic Synchronization
- Flash Tasks
- Orders
- Category & Store Mapping
- Description Templates
- Price Templates
- Shipping Templates
- eBay Listings
- Dashboard
- Logs
- Configuration Information
- Ebay Errors
Auth token is hard expired
The error message "Auth token is hard expired, User needs to generate a new token for this application." means that token (unique key for using ebay account to list/relist data, get orders, etc.) becomes expired and PrestaBay application can't use to perform any actions with ebay. The solution for this is re-assign ebay account.
In order to do this, please:
1) go to page Catalog->eBay->Accounts
2) Click on Account edit
3) Click on the button "Connect to Ebay account"
4) Log in to ebay and grand access to PrestaBay