PrestaShop eBay Integration manual

Limitations and Usage Requirements

“Flash Actions” in the PrestaBay module use ebay feature named “Large Merchant Services”. This service has very important limits that you need to be aware of start using it.

Performing any of “Flash Actions” required data submission to ebay. Every data submission named “Data file”.

Every ebay account has a strong daily limit of how many data files could be sent.

  • Send — 4 data files in 24 hours
  • Relist — 2 data files in 24 hours
  • Full Revise — 4 data files in 24 hours
  • QTY & Price Revise — 96 data files in 24 hours
  • End — 96 data files in 24 hours
NB! Every marketplace required separate data file submission. For example, if you are using 2 ebay marketplaces for each marketplace data files should be sent separately. So if you are using 2 marketplaces you can use the “Send” function only 2 times in 24 hours. First time submit 2 data files for marketplace 1 and 2. Second time again submit 2 data files for marketplace 1 and 2. 

Additionally, ebay limits the size of the data file to 15 Mb. Exactly the number of products in this data file depends on the number of information that needs to be transferred. For “Send” and “Full Revise” this could be equivalent to 1500 products. For QTY/Price revise around 10`000 of items.

“Send and “Full Revise” limitation. When you are using “Send” or “Full Revise” as Flash Actions only a single photo of the product could be transferred to ebay. This is referred to as normal and variation products.

QTY & Price Revise limitation. This operation allowed by ebay executed every 15 minutes. But for performing the stock update with variation products it’s required unique “SKU” for each of variation combination.

Blocked Products

When any of Flash Actions performed with PrestaBay items they are blocked before flash actions are not finished execution. In most cases, you will not possibly revise/relist/list any of these items.

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