PrestaShop Amazon Integration Manual — Mandatory Synchronization Tasks

Mandatory Synchronization tasks

The module has few synchronization tasks that always active and that’s required to correctly module functionality.

  • Amazon Jobs Status Check — synchronization task executed every 5 minutes and check amazon jobs execution status. If the job is finished then the task will download and apply execution result.
  • Amazon Inventory download — synchronization task that executed every 15 minutes and makes a request to download amazon inventory. Amazon Inventory data is required to having ASIN code inside Selling List, have the correct status of amazon inventory. Important! With a huge amazon inventory, this task could slow down your store. Please contact us if you have more than 10`000 items on your amazon account.
  • Notification download — executed once an hour and downloads important notification connection to PrestaShop Amazon module (like maintenance time, important updates, etc.)
  • Schedule update — task generate amazon job for revise qty or price for all products in selling lists that required these operations. Execution of this task is related to automatic synchronization tasks QTY, Price synchronization. Task executed every 5 minutes.
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