Duplicate protection — UUID for PrestaBay Listings

Duplicate protection — UUID for PrestaBay Listings

We add experimental functionality that allows you protect ebay account from duplicate products. Feature available in PrestaBay Startup 1.7.x and PrestaBay Professional 2.6.x .

Duplicate item listings, caused by various operational problems, can lead to a customer support issues. The problem usually happens when no response is returned from the API, or when the calling application has some failure waiting for the response. The root cause can be because the API Call timed out on the API servers or because of operational problems at eBay or because of operational problems with the API application making the adding item calls.

A feature that allow protecting from duplicates named UUID parameter. The UUID parameter is a unique identifier for the eBay Item Listing you are sending to eBay.

PrestaBay module allows you active feature with transferring UUID data for each of the listings.
To active it please open page "Catalog->eBay->Configuration->Variables". For variable named INVEBAY_UNIQUE_LISTINGS put "1" into the edit field. Save page.

UUID generated with following rule.

ID of ebay account + ID of marketplace + ID of Profile + ID of Product

So if you try to list same product with same Selling Profile in the same marketplace you will get an error.

PrestaShop ebay UUID duplicate protection

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